hudson valley wedding photography

Briella + Zach // A Meaningful Mountain-View Wedding at Hudson Valley Weddings at the Hill in Hudson, NY

Briella + Zach // A Meaningful Mountain-View Wedding at Hudson Valley Weddings at the Hill in Hudson, NY

When I walked down the aisle at my own wedding, I carried two bouquets - one for myself, and one for my mom. At the head of the aisle, before I joined hands with my husband, I laid my mom’s bouquet on her chair. The chair was empty, but it was reserved for her. I have so many memories of my wedding day, but that still, small moment of resting that bouquet there felt incredibly, peacefully solitary. I was surrounded by so many people, being watched by so many hearts, but that moment felt like an embrace - a private moment between me and my mom. She wasn’t there…but she was. I know she was…

Giving Your Heart: Free Wedding Photography Coverage (and a little something extra!)

Giving Your Heart: Free Wedding Photography Coverage (and a little something extra!)

We learn so much from the people that raise us.

I learned the most from my Mum - my best friend, confidante, rescuer, best hugger, mommy. One of the biggest lessons she taught me was that when you have nothing material to give, you can still give your heart, and that is one of the biggest and best gifts you could give to anyone…